Archive - lyrics, tabs, midi, software
If you want to add your lyrics, tabs, midi or software, please send it to us by mailu. Max. 20MB.
Or directly in forms.
English lyrics
Slovak lyrics
Midi files
Music software
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If You want to add something to archive, you can do it right here. You can send song lyrics, tabulature and other. If you want to send software, midi or picture (f. i. tablature, notes in form of picture) or non-text format, its better to send via email to Zvonky direct after filling this form. Then let us to do the resti. Into text, please insert a message, what youre sending. Please don´t send us files bigger than10 MB. For software, it´s better to send us just a link.

*Your name
Your email
Name (for lyrics,tablature and midi)
Author (for lyrics and tablature)
Author of lyrics (pre text)
From the band: (for lyrics and tablature)
Key (for lyrics and tablature)
BPM (for lyrics and tablature)
Capo (for tablature)
Author of midi file (for midi)
Author of software (for software)
URL for download (for midi file and software)
Keywords for database
Here write lyrics of your song, or copy [CTRL+C] - [CTRL+V] ASCII file from your computer.
Short notice (f.i. used software - for tablature, midi, software and others)

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