Add Contact - registration

In this form, you can directly add the link to your band, club, business, festival or event. The term will be added after verification at the latest 7 days after the mail receiving. All the cells marked as " *" are mandatory. Without them, the term cannot be added to the list. We would be very glad, if you add the Zvonky link to your page.
You can also register yourself to the club of Zvonky subscribers. Along with the registration you can also add your data to the list of the contacts. All registered in the club will receive news via hot-mail, and info about updates in Zvonky, special invitations and announces about concerts. They will be prefered 2-3 times in the year in sending reedited reporter of Zvonky by classic mail free of charge, only for shipping costs. This will happen only in case of paper reedition. In case of edition of CD-ROM, organization of tour to the special concert, they will have special prefered right to reserve the place or CD. In the future you will have the opportunity of advanced access to some exclusive information (e.g. by direct talking, forum, conference ….).
If you want to add your adress, email, telephone and other in the contact list - select please ADD TO LIST.
If you want to send a HOT-MAIL, please select - SEND HOT-MAIL.
If you want to get HOT-MAILS, please select - GET HOT-MAIL

Notice: comercial contact can be added only if you first contact the webmaster.
*Name of the band, festival, club, fun etc..
Name of contact person
Contact adress - Street
Contact adress - City
Contact adress - ZIP Code
*Contact adress - Country
If other then:
Contact adress - Province
Contact adress - State
Contact adress - email
Contact adress - home-page
Contact adress - private phone
Contact adress - business phone
Contact adress - cell phone
*category for searching - main
category for searching - additional
Description of your band, or kind of bluegrass you play)

Instrument you play
Additional instrument you play
Level of your playing
I play in In band/bands:
Send Hotmail - Receive hotmail hotmail -
Show contact on me on website
In Zvonky - insert Not insert -
Keywords for searching in database

Not published additional informations for our internal use .

Age of performing (by bands, businneses)
Your Job
Im interested into bluegrass workshops )
yes not
Which instrument -
Im interested into sponsoring (CD´s, festival, workshops...)
yes no
Im interested into organizations of bluegrass events or workshops
yes no
Which way

Im connecetd to internet
at home - in work (in school) -

I Know about Zvonky from:

Here you can add your comments and suggestions .

Click only once.